I started playing the drums in fifth grade, and if I could go back in time, I would personally thank that young version of me for sticking with it. Playing music is the greatest joy of my life. Sitting behind the drums is the only time I can tune out everything except for what is happening in that moment. Over the years I have been in numerous bands and recording projects, but the most meaningful and fulfilling music project I have undertaken has been with my wife and her brother in the band Borrisokane. We each bring diverse musical backgrounds, but we retain the closeness of family. The Austin Chronicle wrote that "Borrisokane skitter from esoteric to cacophonous as they ride the curl between post-punk and synth-pop," and that pretty much sums it up. Our EP "Murdering Teeth" won Best EP in the Austin Music Blogger Awards, and we are hard at work on our first full-length album.